The Martinez Fellows Retreat


As revealed earlier this month, The Martinez Foundation Fellowship will join forces with TAF starting October 2015, representing a significant leap forward in our combined ability to provide education to students of color. We are proud to announce that TAF and The Martinez Foundation fellows have taken our first steps towards full organizational alignment at The Martinez Foundation annual Fellows retreat.

This month, TAF joined The Martinez Foundation in their annual Fellows retreat at IslandWood Outdoor Learning Center to provide the Fellows with details on the new partnership and direction. This first step is a pivotal moment in our combined effort to improve the educational experience for so many underrepresented students and teachers in our state.


The Martinez Foundation retreat

Professional development and learning sessions in progress at IslandWood Learning Center.











We are honored that The Martinez Foundation  chose TAF to continue their work and we’re excited about the opportunity to bring together the best of both organizations, accomplishing things that neither organization could do alone. Given the synergy in mission to achieve equity in education, we view this as a natural evolution for both organizations – contributing to a more fully formed teacher development effort.

Here are a few highlights of Martinez Foundation fellows that will soon be joining our TAF team!

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This is JR Lorca, a “veteran” fellow who has been teaching for 5 years. JR teaches 3rd grade at John Muir Elementary School.

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Gus Montgomery and Candace Posada Gus Montgomery is about to enter his 4th year of teaching and is a “veteran” Martinez Fellow. He teaches PE at Wildwood Elementary in Federal Way.

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This is Andreina Quezada and David Farias. They are both in the newest Martinez Foundation cohort, still getting their teaching degrees. David will graduate in December from Heritage University, and Andreina will graduate next spring from UW Bothell.

Our goal is to keep you fully informed as we work to bring the two organizations together, but of course if you have any immediate questions or concerns, feel free to contact Uma Rao directly.

Stay connected with us on Facebook and Twitter.

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